Piling: Lightbody Street
In October 2022, VolkerGround Engineering was awarded a contract by new client Eric Wright to work with them on Lightbody Street, Liverpool, adjacent to the historic Stanley Dock Complex. Eric Wright are redeveloping a former industrial site, constructing a mix of 1, 2 and 3-bedroom apartments, townhouses and commercial space at this iconic location at the start of the Leeds to Liverpool canal.
Mobilisation began at the beginning of November 2022 when our first task was to carry out probing to confirm the level of bedrock in the canal.
We then installed a 21 linear metre steel sheet piled retaining wall with a 60t long reach Movax, assisted by a LTM1100 mobile crane which pitched the piles due to the working radius available. Piles were then impact driven to refusal in the underlying sandstone, using our DH25 Movax hammer to form a temporary dock wall. In selecting the Movax to complete the installation, we were able to accelerate production and reduce overall programme length. We also avoided the expensive and time consuming conventional set up which would have required temporary works in the form of a piling gate.
This part of the project provided many challenges, which we overcame by working in collaboration with our supply chain and client. The scope of works required us to construct a temporary seal between the steel sheet piles and the existing canal wall, to reduce water levels. Working with colleagues from around the VolkerStevin business, we were able to design and construct a grout sock solution which once installed provided a safe working platform for the Eric Wright team.
In a return visit to the site, VolkerGround Engineering installed 653 no. 450mm diameter CFA bearing piles, ranging between 15m and 20m in depth with our Soilmec SR75 rig, which has 15Tnm torque allowing us to drill 6m sockets into the Sandstone. To assist with boring, we fitted the SR75 with an air injection system which kept the lead auger free of debris, allowing the auger to work more efficiently and therefore improve productivity.
The varying existing ground levels required multiple platform heights and associated access ramps. We worked with Eric Wright to achieve the most efficient site layout and installation sequence to optimise the works programme.
This project is a fantastic example of our capability to design, supply and install both steel and concrete piles, working with our client to achieve the optimum design for the scheme.