Intersite Bridge
The works involved the design and construction of a combined pedestrian and cycleway connection between the existing City Campus West, lying to the West of the Newcastle Central Motorway East (A167M), and the new City Campus East Development, lying to the East of the Nexus Tyneside Metro Light Railway.
The project incorporated two bridge sections and a fully supported central section, one spanning 46 metres over the Newcastle Central Motorway and adjacent Camden Street underpass and the other spanning 32 metres over the Nexus Tyneside Metro Light Railway. The overall span between the springing point on the Western edge of the bridge at Ellison Place to the landing point on the City Campus East Side adjacent to the Metro line was 96 metres.
The project involved considerable traffic management with lane closures for the construction of the motorway section of the bridge. Works also included the construction of the Camden Street underpass, the re-grading of the access road and widespread hard and soft landscaping proposals incorporating the extension of the footpath/cycleway into the City Campus East Development plus an intermediate connection to Camden Street. All these phases involved considerable 3rd party liaison, pedestrian and traffic management considerations.
The contract received a Considerate Constructor Bronze Award in recognition of the team's pro-active approach to health and safety and overall interface management.
Upon completion the compound and working areas had to be reinstated to their original use as a car park.