From the 7 September, VSBW, a joint venture between VolkerStevin and Boskalis Westminster, will commence work on the Southsea Coastal Scheme. The first phases of construction works will commence with the establishment of the temporary site compound adjacent to Pier Road.
Works will include the establishment of site fencing, creating a hardstanding, installation of services and placement of the site office units. This temporary site will be used for duration of the scheme and will be co-located with a public liaison/drop-in office.
A site working area will also be established in Clarence Pier car park, to provide access to the Frontage 1 working area. Once the site working areas are established, site surveys will be undertaken prior to breaking ground.
VSBW will then begin work on the establishment of ramped access onto the foreshore for construction plant. Excavators will be used to remove the existing revetment stone, in preparation for the installation of the new sheet pile walls.
Once the revetment has been removed, a dredging vessel will be used to rainbow gravel material onto the beach, in order to develop a temporary working platform to bring the next stages of the construction operations above the tidal zone. On completion of the temporary working platform, construction of the new walls will commence, with installation of the sheet piles.