National Apprenticeship Week – Meet Milosz Fabianczuk
Milosz Fabianczuk joined VolkerStevin in 2023, he is currently undertaking a civil engineering degree apprenticeship. Milosz is in his first year of studies and is completing his degree at Liverpool John Moores University. We spoke to Milosz to find out why he chose to pursue a career in engineering and why he chose the apprenticeship route.
What was your first experience working within the civil engineering industry?
Before my apprenticeship I was working as a subcontractor for VolkerStevin as a ground worker. Through this work I was able to experience a range of different activity on site. I completed commercial tasks like managing budgets and engineering tasks such as understanding the process behind building structures. It was through the relationships I made as a subcontractor that led me to applying for an apprenticeship.
What led you to pursue a career within civil engineering?
I really enjoyed being able to experience the work I was completing develop, I was able to see what I was creating with my own eyes! I also wanted a career which offered variety and no two weeks are ever the same in engineering, I am faced with new challenges and environments on a weekly basis.
During my work placement I spoke to many engineers, who both worked at VolkerStevin and other organisations and everyone had something positive to say about their career choice, this also encouraged me to pursue a career within engineering.
What made you want to return to do an apprenticeship with VolkerStevin?
I decided I wanted to complete my apprenticeship with VolkerStevin as throughout my work placement I was able to experience the culture, vision and values of the business, all of which made me want to apply for an apprenticeship with the business. Also, whilst on my placement I got the opportunity to work with experienced engineers who all took the time to teach me, it was interesting to see the different approaches to teaching each person took and I knew I could learn a lot from them.
What is the biggest benefit of your apprenticeship?
I have found the biggest benefit of my apprenticeship to be the fact that I am able to experience working in the engineering industry at such a young age. I have met people that I would never have met at university, and created amazing relationships with my team.
Another benefit is that I do not have to pay my university tuition as this is covered by VolkerStevin as part of the apprenticeship, meaning once I graduate, I will have no student debt to pay back.
What advice would you give to someone who is about to start an apprenticeship?
The best advice I could give someone is to not fear asking questions, you learn so much from your colleagues and each person will provide you with a new skill or piece of knowledge. It is also important to create a good impression, by showing up and valuing peoples time and effort, they will be more willing to teach you and help you to develop your career.